Get the details on where your donation goes.
Intake Build
100% Funded
- Thank you!
One of the requirements of accreditation (which must be completed before the end of 2021) is a dedicated space for the social worker at the misson. Combining this requirement with the need for a secure space for intakes (which will be mandated on-site at the end of COVID restrictions), ZMF have discerned that the best option for the mission is to have an outbuilding, away from the children’s area, that will house the social worker and government-mandated security guard.
This grant covers:
Outbuilding construction
Water pump and water storage
Air conditioner
Basic furnishings
Installation of electricity and water line
Electrical Upgrade Grant
100% Funded
- Thank you!
The power grid in the Philippines is composed of a crazy mess of power lines that are jumped, spliced, and rerouted with wreckless abandon. This is just the way it is there. Since the mission has expanded, their legacy electrical supply has not kept up and now presents a danger to the property. It actually catches fire regularly. This is of course, not acceptable, but something that the staff have had to put up with because upgrading it very expensive! It's time to get this fixed properly. The grant will be used for:
New electric transformer (the cost is $7,000 for this unit alone)
Contract labor
Backfill Grant
100% Funded
- Thank you!
The summer rainy season in the Philippines can be damaging to the property on which the Zeteo Mission orphanage stands. It is a long, narrow strip of land with some grade changes. The driveway can be washed away if it's not properly reinforced.
A local contractor has graciously offered to grade and reinforce the property to eliminate the erosion threat. He has offered his equipment and labor at no cost, but the mission must provide the dirt! A lot of dirt! This grant covers the backfill dirt to make this much needed improvement happen before the 2021 rainy season.
Itemized Quarterly Operational Grant
for Q2 2021
50% Funded
for Q1 2021
100% Funded
for Q4 2020
100% Funded
ZMP have decided that the best way to support the ongoing work of protecting the disadvantaged in the Philippines is a quarterly grant to Zeteo Mission Foundation which we will pay in monthly increments. ZMP have reviewed the grant proposal and what the money will be used on, so this is not a blank check. The money will be used for:
Staff salaries and training
Building maintenance and construction
Preschool Construction Proposal
100% Funded
Grant is pending
Part of helping traumatized children heal includes building rhythms and routines of life where they have dedicated spaces for “home” activities and “school” activities, since none can actively leave the property. Since our commitment to these vulnerable children includes emotional wellness, but education as well, you can see why this project is vital to our work at the mission.
This grant will cover the construction of the Preschool space. This grant is currently pending. Funds will be sent when ZM is ready to start the project.
COVID-19 Emergency Supply Kit
100% Funded
- Thank you!
The Zeteo Misson in the Philippines was placed under lock-down on March 15 along with the city of Manila. This has forced staff to urgently prepare 1-2 months of supplies to feed and care for the 10 children ages 0-3 in their residential facility.
This is an urgent situation, requiring immediate action by Zeteo Mission and their supporters. The cost of stocking a month's worth of diapers and formula for 10 children is staggering for their small organization.
This grant covers an emergency supply kit for 1-2 months, including:
Similac 0-6 months
Wilkins water distilled (for formula)
Water filters for water purification system
Maintenance supplies for water purification system
Nebulizer treatments
Children’s paracetamol
Prescription medications for kids
Diapers (s - 4 kids, m - 3 kids, l - 2 kids)
Baby cereal
Canned goods
Ramen packets (staple for water rations because no wasted cooking water)
Rubbing Alcohol
Dish Detergent
Laundry Detergent
General food
General supplies for building maintenance and repairs (living in the tropics means that constant vigilance is required against mold etc)
Sanitation supplies
Baygon (bug killer)
Waste management supplies
Please consider donating today so that we can get funds to them ASAP! Thank you!
Vehicle Grant
100% Funded
- Thank you!
This grant will go towards the purchase an 8-seat Multi-Purpose Vehicle for the Zeteo Mission site. $6,000 has already been donated towards a new vehicle and this grant covers the remaining balance to purchase a certified used 2017 Toyota Avanza.
It is rare to find a certified used vehicle in the Philippines, as vehicles take a lot of abuse. Zeteo Missions needs a dependable vehicle both for the convenience but more importantly, safety. With nine children on site, they need to make grocery and supply runs, medical visits, and transport visitors and staff.
This is a critical and urgent need to support the welfare of the children and staff of Zeteo Missions.
UPDATE: Our first installment of funds has been sent! If you donated to ZMP prior to 3/11, all of your funds were apportioned to this grant. We will be putting funding on hold for the remainder of March in order to direct funds to the COVID-19 Quarantine Emergency Supply Kit.
We work closely with Zeteo Mission Foundation to understand their immediate and long-term needs. ZMF submits grant proposals to us, which our board reviews and approves. More information on some of these projects can be found on Zeteo Mission's Bulletin Board.
Per 501c3 requirements, Zeteo Mission Partners maintains control of donated funds. Our policy is that 100% of your donated funds go directly into open grants (minus any transaction fees).
Below is a list of open and completed grants: